Conferences & Panels Organized and/or Chaired


Co-organizer and Discussant, “Photography’s Frameworks,” Photography Network and University of the Western Cape of South Africa, Oct.


Co-chair “Images as Weapons and Women Photojournalists During World War II,” College Art Association, Chicago, Feb.

Discussant, Services to Historians of Visual Arts Committee, College Art Association, Feb.

Co-Symposium Liaison, Association of Historians of American Art Biannual Symposium, Crystal Bridges Museum and University of Arkansas, Oct. 

Co-organizer and Discussant, “Hybrid Photographies,” Photography Network and Howard University, Oct.


Discussant, Services to Historians of Visual Arts Committee, College Art Association, Feb.

Co-organizer and Discussant, The Material and the Virtual in Photographic Histories, Photography Network and Folkwang University of the Arts, Oct.


Symposium Liaison, Association of Historians of American Art Biannual Symposium, Smithsonian American Art Museum and University of Maryland (delayed to 2021 due to COVID-19), Oct.

Co-chair “Art and Corporate Ethics: Historical Perspectives,” College Art Association, Chicago, Feb.


Symposium Liaison, Association of Historians of American Art Biannual Symposium, Twin Cities, Oct.


Organizer and Moderator, Reconsidering Crafts: Its History & Practice, Boston University Art Gallery, Nov.


Organizer and Moderator, French Culture in Colonial America, Decorative Arts and Material Culture Symposium, Gunston Hall, Lorton, VA, Nov.


Organizer and Moderator, Building Gunston Hall: The Confluence of Architecture and the Decorative Arts, Decorative Arts and Material Culture Symposium, Gunston Hall, Lorton, VA, Nov.


Organizer and Moderator, Near and Far Sighted: Refocusing on Regionalism and Imports in America (Part II), Decorative Arts and Material Culture Symposium, Gunston Hall, Lorton, VA, Nov.


Organizer and Moderator, Near and Far Sighted: Refocusing on Regionalism and Imports in America (Part I), Decorative Arts and Material Culture Symposium, Gunston Hall, Lorton, VA, Nov.


Organizer and Moderator, In Pursuit of Pleasure, Decorative Arts and Material Culture Symposium,  Gunston Hall, Lorton, VA, Nov.

Conference Papers


“Consumerism, Copyright, and Publicity in Thérèse Bonney’s 1920s Fashion Photographs,” Reframing Fashion Photography: Between the Magazine Page and the Gallery Wall, College Art Association, NY, Feb. 


“Thérèse Bonney, Syndicated Photography, and Mapping the Movement of Magazine Images,” Photography and Magazine Study and Discussion Day, National Museum of American History, Nov. 


“The Relationship between Thérèse Bonney’s Self-Fashioning and Her Photographic Collection,” Women and Early Photography, University of Aberdeen (virtual), June


“The Life of Nazi-Looted Antiquities in Thérèse Bonney’s Photography,” The Fate of Antiquities in the Nazi Era, College Art Association, Feb.

“Thérèse Bonney’s Photographic Re-Fashioning of Professional Women in the Early Twentieth Century” Feminist Art History Conference, American University, Sept.

“The Intermediality of Thérèse Bonney’s Europe’s Children as Exhibitions, Lectures, and Film in  1940s America” American Studies Association, Nov.


Modern Mythmaking: Thérèse Bonney’s Masculinity and the Challenge of Biographical Writing, Art Historiography as Creative Nonfiction, SECAC, Dec.


“The Performance of Standing: Squamish Chief Mathias Joe Capilano’s Totem Pole in San Francisco’s Playland Amusement Park, 1949–Present,” College Art Association, NY,  Feb.


“Lending in Wartime: Loan Theory and MoMA’s First International Exhibition at the Musée du Jeu de Paume in 1938,” Histoires de prêts. mémoires et enjeux des prêts dans les musées, École du Louvre, Paris, Sept.

“Three Centuries of American Art: MoMA’s First International Exhibition and the Creation of an American Art History Across Media,” College Art Association, New York City, NY, Feb.


“Distilling Display: Margaret Gibbs and the Museum of Modern Art’s Three Centuries of American Art exhibition in 1938,” Association of Historians of American Art Symposium, Fort Worth, TX, Oct.

“Ensuring War: MoMA’s Three Centuries of American Art in 1938 Paris,” Visible Hands: Markets and the Making of American Art, Tate Gallery and Terra Foundation of American Art, Jan.


Three Centuries of American Art: The United States on Display in 1930s Europe,” Association of Historians of American Art Symposium, Graduate Student Session, Philadelphia, PA, Oct.

“’Ambassador of Good Will:’ Three Centuries of American Art in 1930s Europe,” Design for War and Peace, 2014 Design History Society, University of Oxford, Sept.

“American Artworks as Diplomats in 1930s Europe,” Crossing the Space Between, 1914–1945, The Institute of English Studies Conference, University of London, July


“Defining an American Art for Europe: Persuasive Rhetoric as Metaphor and Metonym in the 1930s,” Between Perception and Persuasion: Rhetoric In and Around Aesthetics, Dept. of Art and Art History, Stanford University, Nov.

“American Art for French Eyes: The Landmark 1938 Exhibition at the Musée du Jeu de Paume in Paris,” Networks, Art History Graduate Student Symposium, Rutgers University, Apr.

“1880s Photographic Scrapbooks by Women” Beyond Production and Consumption: Refining Material Culture Studies, Boston University American & New England Studies Graduate Student Conference, Boston University, Mar.

 “Traversing a Vision: Harriet S. Tolman’s Views from a Trip to California, 1888–1889,” Mapping: Geography, Power, and the Imagination in the Art of the Americas, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, Mar.

“Mutable Meaning Across Markets: William Sidney Mount and the Goupil Print Company in the 1840s,” With a French  Accent: American Lithography to 1860, American Antiquarian Society and Musée Goupil, Bordeaux, France, Oct.


“From Closets to Upholstery: Decoding Eighteenth-Century Formal Rooms in Virginia,” MESDA Conference on American Material Culture, Oct. Macon, GA

Invited Lectures


Thérèse Bonney, Roundtable, Bancroft Library, Spring 


MoMA Goes to Paris in 1938 Book Talk,” Tuesday Colloquium, National Museum of American History, July

“American Cultural ‘Innocence’ as Political Tool,” Belatedness and North American Art, Courtauld Institute, Feb.


“Thérèse Bonney, the Holocaust and Nazi-Looted Art,” BTLH Ambassadors, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, July

“Thérèse Bonney’s Photography,” Scholarly Lecture, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, April

 “Thérèse Bonney and Holocaust Photography,” Office of Survivor Affairs, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, April

“Thérèse Bonney and the Role of Women Photojournalists during World War II,” Docent Program, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, March


“The Photographic Practice of M. Thérèse Bonney,” Lunchbag Seminar, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Feb.

 “Art in Wartime: MoMA’s First International Exhibition in 1938,” Fellows Presentations, Smithsonian American Art Museum, May

 “Thérèse Bonney’s Photography,” Tuesday Colloquium, National Museum of American History,  July

“Smithsonian American Art Museum Fellowship Program (1968-2020),” Half-Century of Fellowship Symposium, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Oct. 


“American Canonization, Modernism, and International Display,” Two-part lecture, San Jose Art Museum, San Jose, CA, Feb. 


“A New Flâneur: Sarah Putnam Walks in Paris” Nineteenth-Century Architecture, Americanists Forum, Boston University, Feb.


“Uncovering the Eighteenth-Century Beau Monde” Rediscovering Early American Architecture, Americanists Forum, Boston University, Dec. 


“Hearing Voices: Layering Interpretations in a Historic House” The Virginia Plantation Then and Now: Material Life and Interpretation, Smithsonian Associates Master’s Class, Washington, D.C., Feb.

“Fabric, Wood and Gold, Oh My!: Recent Restoration at Gunston Hall” Annual Meeting, Gunston Hall Docent Association, Gunston Hall, VA, Feb. 


“Designing Gunston Hall: Considering William Buckland’s Source Material” Building Gunston Hall: The Confluence of Architecture and the Decorative Arts Decorative Arts and Material Culture Symposium, Gunston Hall, VA, Nov. 


“Puzzle Pieces: Putting Together Gunston Hall’s Imported and Domestic Furnishings” Near and Far Sighted: Refocusing on Regionalism and Imports in America (Part II) Decorative Arts and Material Culture Symposium, Gunston Hall, VA, Nov. 

“Building a Collection” National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, Annual Meeting, Museum Workshop, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C., Oct.

 “Listening to George Mason’s Objects” Regents from the National Society of Colonial Dames of America, Bi-annual Meeting, Gunston Hall, VA, Apr.

 “Curatoring the Collection” Annual Meeting, Gunston Hall Docent Association, Gunston Hall, VA, Apr.

 “Washington’s Neighbor George Mason and his Gunston Hall” Washington’s World Mount Vernon Decorative Arts Trust Symposium,Mount Vernon, VA, Mar.

 “Revealing the Vision: Examining George Mason’s Documented Furnishings” National Society of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York, Headquarters, New York City, NY, Jan. 


“Take a Seat: Contextualizing Gunston Hall’s Documented Chairs” Near and Far Sighted: Refocusing on Regionalism and Imports in America (Part I) Decorative Arts and Material Culture Symposium, Gunston Hall, VA, Nov. 


“Leisure Time at Gunston Hall” In Pursuit of Pleasure, Decorative Arts and Material Culture Symposium, Gunston Hall, VA, Nov.  


“Regionalism in Eighteenth-Century American High Chests” Winterthur Museum, DE, Dec.  

“A Study of A Nineteenth-Century English Aquatint: Considerations in Connoisseurship” Winterthur Museum, DE, Oct. 



David Beck, MVSEVM, 2006, Art Bites, Smithsonian American Art Museum 


Curator Tour, Craft & Modernity, Boston University Art Gallery


Gunston Hall Curator Tours, Virginia Secretary of Education, Corcoran and George Mason University art history students, Colonial Dames, funders, journalists, and leading scholars from Colonial Williamsburg, Metropolitan Museum of Art, MESDA, UVA, William & Mary, UNC, and Chappel Hill