
2028     Thérèse Bonney and the Power of Global Syndicated Photography (in process, under contract with University of California Press)

2023     MoMA Goes to Paris in 1938: Building and Politicizing American Art (University of California Press).

Exhibition Catalogue:

2014     Lead essayist and principal editor. Craft & Modernity: Professional Women Artists in Boston (1890-1920), Boston University Art Gallery, exhibition catalog (November 2014) (guest essay by MFA Boston Curator Nonie Gadsden). 60 pages.


2016     “Ambassadors of Good Will”: The Museum of Modern Art’s Three Centuries of American Art in 1930s Europe and the United States (Ph.D. dissertation, Boston University, 2016). 569 pages.


2006      Portrait of a Painter: The Double-Sided Life and Works of Jonas W. Holman (1805–1873) (University of Delaware, Winterthur Program, Master’s Thesis, 2006). 225 pages.

Edited Volume:

2024       “Prêts en Temps de Guerre: la théorie des prêts et la première exposition internationale du MoMA au Musée du Jeu de Paume en 1938,“Histoires des prêts. Mémoires et enjeux des prêts dans les musées (École du Louvre conference publication).


2024     “Thérèse Bonney, the Bonney Service, and the Business of Syndicated Photography, 1923–1945” History of Photography 47, no. 3 (2024)

2018     “American Painting Wins Over London: The National Gallery of Art’s First International Exhibition in 1946,” Refiguring American Art, Terra Foundation, December 2018.

2017     “Strengthening the Bonds: The United States on Display in 1938 France,” The Journal of Transnational American Studies. October 2017.

2016     “The Pulpit and the Paintbrush: The Portraits of Jonas W. Holman (1805–1873),” The Magazine Antiques, November 2016.

2015     “American Vernacular Art in 1938 Paris: Its Categorization and Reception at MoMA’s Three Centuries of American Art Exhibition on Display in 1930s Paris,” Athanor, Florida State University Journal, 2015.

2015     “Selling Pictorialist Photography as Craft: Alice Austin’s Artistic Production and Role in the Boston Society of Arts and Crafts between 1900 and 1933,” The Journal of Modern Craft, December 2015.

Catalogue Entries & Contributions:

2021   Valentina Abenavoli, Miyako Ishiuchi, Kristen Lubben ed. How We See: Photobooks by Women (New York City: 10 x 10 Photobooks, 2020), wrote entries for “Women Photobooks, 1975–1979.”

2015     Dennis Carr, Made in the Americas: the New World discovers Asia (Boston, MA: MFA Publications, 2015), provided research support.

2007     Linda Eaton, Quilts in a Material World: Selections from the Winterthur Collection (New York City: Abrams, 2007), provided research support. 

Book Reviews:

2025     Review (forthcoming)

2016     Review of Democratic Art: The New Deal’s Influence on American Culture, by Ann Musher, Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art, Summer 2016.

Exhibition Review:

2018     Review of “The Art of Labor,” San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles Surface Design Journal.


2018     Introduction to Tracy Williams’s “Refocusing the Lens,” Gregory Miller, ed. Prized Writing, August 2018. 


2024     Thérèse Bonney and the Picture Collection at the New York Public Library in the 1930s, New York Public Library

2023     “MoMA’s First International Exhibition in 1938 and the Use of Ephemera in the Study of American Art, “Smithsonian Magazine.

2021     David Beck, MVSEVM, 2006, EyeLevel.